We had two types of challenges: Administrative and technique.
• The first one is because of corona virus; our project beginning coincided with the second wave of pandemic. For that reason, there was a delay in all government process like custom clearance, and joining into Commercial & Industrial Chamber. We overcame this obstacle by the cooperative with Mersin Technopark management. Here I would like to thank the general manager of Mersin Technopark Mrs. Özgür DURMAZ and all of personnel for their patience and permanent guidance.
• The second is the technical challenges: The exporting country (USA) of the main component (which is the antenna) has imposed strict restrictions on the export of these products (wall scanners and antennas), which means we are prohibited from importing the necessary components with the required specifications. Moreover, the technical support regarding antenna unit was almost null and sometimes misleading. Technical barriers motivated us to increase working hours, and we began designing a new antenna to eliminate import restrictions and problems.